What is Metastatic Breast Cancer?

Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC), also known as stage IV or advanced breast cancer, is breast cancer that has metastasized, or spread, to other organs in the body. No matter where the cancer spreads, it's still called "breast cancer." For example, breast cancer that has spread to your lungs is called "breast cancer," not "lung cancer." Your doctor will still treat it like breast cancer. JAB will contribute some of the funds it raises to support MBC research.

Nearly 13,000 women diagnosed annually with Breast Cancer under 40.
An estimated 279,100 people in the US have Metastatic Breast Cancer
Metastatic Breast Cancer claims approximately 42,600 lives a year
61% of people know very little about Metastatic Breast Cancer
Up to 30% of women who have had early breast cancer will eventually develop Metastatic Breast Cancer
Metastatic Breast Cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women under 50 yrs of age
Metastatic Breast Cancer can be treated by not cured
You cannot tell whether someone has Metastatic Breast Cancer just by looking at them.  They do not look sick.
Only 7% of breast cancer research dollars are spent on Metastatic Breast Cancer.  More research is needed.